Enhancement of Lysosomal Enzymes by the Pyrethroids, Fenvalerate and trans-Cypermethrin.


  • Enhancement of Lysosomal Enzymes by the



We looked for a direct correlation between the suggested effect of fenvalerate and trans-cypermethrin as tumor promoters, and the documented elevations in the activities of lysosomal enzymes in various types of tumors. Results of this study demonstrate that the pyrethroids, fenvalerate and trans-cypermethrin, significantly enhanced the activities of the hepatic lysosomal enzymes, arylsulfatase A (ASA), arylsulfatase B (ASB), β-glucuronidase and cathepsin D in live mice. These increased activities correlate directly with fenvalerate or trans-cypermethrin treatment, in a significantly dose-dependent manner. Hepatic ASA, ASB and β-glucuronidase from untreated mice gave significantly elevated relative activity values when preincubated with both pyrethroids as compared to those of controls. Moreover, heat stability study showed that the specific activities of these enzymes from mice that were treated with fenvalerate or trans-cypermethrin correlated well with the specific activities of their corresponding controls from vehicletreated animals. These findings may show the possible tumor promotion effect of the pyrethroids, fenvalerate and trans-cypermethrin.


  • 衛生化学

    衛生化学 44 (2), 83-91, 1998

    公益社団法人 日本薬学会

参考文献 (43)*注記


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