Toxicity Tests Using Cultured Cells.

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  • 培養細胞を用いた毒性テストについて
  • バイヨウ サイボウ オ モチイタ ドクセイ テスト ニ ツイテ

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Toxicological studies using cultured mammalian cells are extremely useful and expected to be important alternatives to animal tests and experiments. There are various types of cultured cell experiments for various purposes, which need strict step-wise validation studies when used as the routine tests. The following test methods under validation studies are explained here ; direct cytotoxicity test, cytotoxicity test using cultured myotubes for intramuscular injection drugs, mouse lymphoma assay for gene mutation, in vitro cell transformation test for carcinogens and tumor promoters, and metabolic cooperation assay for tumor promoters. In order to achieve alternatives of animal experiments, researchers engaging in toxicological studies and recognizing their necessity are required to cooperate together for the further development of the experimental methods.


  • Eisei kagaku

    Eisei kagaku 42 (6), 443-452, 1996

    The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan


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