Ideology Research of the Design Quality Assurance System using the Numerical Simulation in the Automobile Industry

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  • 自動車産業における数値シミュレーションに必要な設計品質保証体系の理念的研究
  • 自動車開発設計プロセスの刷新への統計科学の有効性
  • ジドウシャ カイハツ セッケイ プロセス ノ サッシン エノ トウケイ カガク ノ ユウコウセイ
  • 報告(2) 自動車開発設計プロセスの刷新への統計科学の有効性
  • Research Study (Part2) Effectiveness of Statistical Sciences for Reformation of Development Design Process

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In this paper, consideration is given to the validity of "statistical science" which is necessary for innovation of the development designing process for a new issue involving numerical simulation technology (CAE) in development designing : that is designed for the transition from "prototype/experimental based real machine evaluation method" to the "prediction evaluation method based on highly reliable CAE analysis." More specifically, concrete examples of "SQC study cases that contributed to CAE analysis" from automotive manufacturers are examined from the standpoint of "transverse characteristics of statistical science and contribution to design science" so as to propose the "highly reliable CAE analysis system approach method" that contributes to the process innovation of development designing.



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