The Influence of Scalp Sebum on the Performance of Hair-Styling Products and Its Transfer Behavior under High Humidity Conditions

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In the development of hair styling products, hair setting strength and holding ability are very important functions. Humidity is known to have the worst influence on these functions. We previously revealed that scalp sebum transferred to the hair and had adverse effects on both setting strength and holding ability. In this study, we examined the influence of scalp sebum on hair setting strength and the transfer rate of scalp sebum to hair in a high-humidity environment. The transfer rate of scalp sebum to the hair increased with high humidity and the sebum decreased hair setting strength to a lower level than that caused by highly humid conditions alone. It is conventionally believed that moisture is the sole factor that decreases hair setting strength and holding ability under high humidity. However, our results suggest that not only moisture but also scalp sebum decrease the hair setting strength under highly humid conditions.



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