Temporal Development of Pragmatics and Dynamics in Conversation for Consensus Building

  • YOSHIDA Makoto
    Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • MIYAKE Yoshihiro
    Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • FURUYAMA Nobuhiro
    National Institute of Informatics, Research organization of information and systems Multidisciplinary Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

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  • 合意形成における発話意味内容と発話ダイナミクスの時間発展
  • ゴウイ ケイセイ ニ オケル ハツワ イミ ナイヨウ ト ハツワ ダイナミクス ノ ジカン ハッテン

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We studied the process of information integration through observing the pragmatics and the dynamics of conversations between two people toward a consensus. We analyzed the conversations from both the pragmatics and the dynamics side. From the pragmatic perspective, the temporal development of pragmatics regarding their consensus was analyzed using conversational analysis and subjective evaluation. On the other hand, from the dynamical perspective, the temporal development of response time of utterance was analyzed using correlation analysis. As results, their typical developments as follows were clarified. The stages in pragmatics regarding a consensus were taking turns alternately toward a consensus. The subjective evaluated values on consensus increased toward the end of the conversation. The response times between two people were synchronized toward a consensus. These results indicate that both pragmatics and dynamics side have features of synchronization. It is suggested this feature plays typical feature for consensus building in this experiment.


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