Characteristics of Edge-Tone Oscillator

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  • エッジトーン発振回路の特性


The edge-tone effect, because of its application in fluitdic oscillators and noise due to splatters, is an interesting problem in fluidics. This effect has been investigated in acoustics by many researchers but the characteristics of jet-edge systems in finite spaces, which are important in fluidics, have not been investigated yet. Especially, the mechanism of edge-tone oscillation has not been made clear.<br>In this paper, the characteristics of a jet-edge system in a finite space are experimentally investigated and its mechanism of oscillation is investigated both analytically and experimentally. As a result, it is clarified that the characteristics of a jet-edge system in a finite space are affected by the resonance of the finite space and that the mechanism of edge-tone oscillation can be well simulated by a model in which force is fedback from two imaginary pressure sources near the apex of edge to each fluid particle of the jet flow.


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