ビールの揮発性含硫化合物に関する研究 I  ビールのメチルメルカプタンおよびエチルメルカプタンの定量


  • Determination of Methyl and Ethyl Mercaptans in Lager Beer
  • ビール ノ メチルメルカプタン オヨビ エチルメルカプタン ノ テイリョウ ビ



A porous polymer, Porapak Q, was used as packing material to concentrate trace amounts of volatile sulfur compounds in beer. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), methyl mercaptan (MeSH), ethyl mercaptan (EtSH) and other volatile agents in the concentrate were analyzed by gas chromatography with a flame photomeric detector (FPD-GC). This newly developed technique enabled quantitative determinations of MeSH and EtSH in wort and beer. MeSH was present at levels as high as 2_??_4 μg/liter in hopped worts but rapidly decreased to 0.1_??_0.2 μg/liter in 2_??_3 days after yeast pitching and then increased gradually to 0.6_??_0.8 μg/liter by the end of primary fermentation. Beer MeSH content changed little during the lagering period. EtSH, on the other hand, was entirely absent in hopped worts, but emerged during fermentation, reaching a maximum level (0.3_??_0.7 μg/liter) at the 6_??_7 days of main fermentation, and then decreased during lagering to 0.1 μg/liter or less. After bottling, EtSH disappeared rapidly, while MeSH persisted in bottled beer and increased gradually with storage time at higher temperature (45°_??_60°C).


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