Industrial Production of Adenosine. Part I. Adenosine Production by an Adenine Revertant Derived from an Inosine Producer.

    Engineering Department, Tokai Plant of Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Central Research Laboratories, Ajinomoto Co., Inc
  • NAKAMATSU Tsuyoshi
    Engineering Department, Tokai Plant of Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Central Research Laboratories, Ajinomoto Co., Inc
  • MAEDA Osamu
    Engineering Department, Tokai Plant of Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Knorr Foods Co., Ltd., Shimonoge

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  • アデノシン発酵の工業的確立 (第1報) イノシン生産菌からアデニン要求復帰変異株の誘導とそのアデノシン蓄積
  • イノシン セイサンキン カラ アデニン ヨウキュウ フッキ ヘンイカブ ノ ユ

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An adenosine producer (an adenine revertant), Bacillus subtilis A 3-5, was derived from an inosine producer, B. subtilis AJ-11102, which had the genetic properties of adenine auxotrophy, xanthine auxotrophy, 8-azaguanine resistance, and sulfaguanidine resistance. A 3-5 produced 9 g/l adenosine from 80 g/l glucose in 104 h. It could be used industrially because productivity was high and stable.


  • Nippon Nōgeikagaku Kaishi

    Nippon Nōgeikagaku Kaishi 67 (5), 843-847, 1993

    Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry

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