

  • Note on the Accuracy of Numerical Method for Subsonic Lifting Surfaces
  • アオンソク ヨウリョクメン ノ スウチ ケイサン ゴサ ニ カンスル オボエガ



A numerical investigation is performed on the three discrete models (δ type, step type, and linear type) for lifting airfoils. Types of downwash investigated are that of flat plate (w=1) as well as those of wavy plates (w=cos mθ). Collocation method is used to determine the strength of vortex distributions.<BR>The following results are obtaind: a) A number E is appropriately defined as a measure of lift distribution errors. b) For accuracy, the δ type is best which is followed by the linear type and then by the step type. c) The control point locations should be at the 75% point for the δ type, 85-95% point for the step type, and 60-90% point for the linear type. d) The locations of error-estimation should be at the 25% point for the δ type, 50% point for the Step type, and 0% (=100%) point for the linear type. e) The error E versus number of panels N are plotted on log-log graphs. through which we can predict the number of panels necessary for a speciled accuracy. Also linearity of this log-log graphs serves as an indication how the method is superior. f) For error concentration to the both edge panels, the δ type is most predominant over the other types.


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