

  • Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Properties of Highly-skilled Handwork Based on Curvature and Torsion
  • 高度熟練技能における空間的特性の曲率・捩率に基づく定量的解析法の構築
  • コウド ジュクレン ギノウ ニ オケル クウカンテキ トクセイ ノ キョクリツ ・ レイリツ ニ モトズク テイリョウテキ カイセキホウ ノ コウチク



This study considers highly-skilled handwork in which skilled worker's motion is transferred to certain orbital paths on workpieces, and establishes an evaluation method of the quality of the handwork. For the handwork of which the requirements and evaluation criteria are not clearly specified, a methodology is introduced to compare individual's handwork with that of skilled worker. Then, taking into consideration that all pieces of information of the handwork are contained in the orbit in the space where the result of work is reflected, a comparison method based on orbits is introduced. Furthermore, being based on the view point of differential geometry that a three-dimensional orbit can be uniquely determined by curvature and torsion, a mathematical model is developed to evaluate degrees of spatial similarity of orbits by curvatures and torsions. This mathematical model then introduces “degree of distribution similarity”, an index to quantitatively evaluate similarities of actual work. Then, this evaluation method is applied to shapes of characters of Japanese calligraphy to confirm the method's validity.


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