Orientational Distributions of a Nondilute Colloidal Dispersion Composed of Ferromagnetic Spherocylinder Particles Subjected to a Simple Shear Flow: Analysis by Means of Mean-Field Approximation for the Magnetic Field Direction Parallel to the Angular Velocity Vector of the Shear Flow

  • Watanabe Tomonori
    Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University
  • Aoshima Masayuki
    Faculty of System Science and Technology, Akita Prefectural University
  • Satoh Akira
    Faculty of System Science and Technology, Akita Prefectural University

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  • 強磁性棒状粒子からなる非希釈コロイド分散系の単純せん断流中における配向分布に関する研究―せん断流の回転角速度ベクトルと外部磁場の方向が同一である場合の平均場近似を用いた理論解析―
  • キョウジセイ ボウジョウ リュウシ カラ ナル ヒキシャク コロイド ブンサンケイ ノ タンジュン センダンリュウ チュウ ニ オケル ハイコウ ブンプ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ センダンリュウ ノ カイテン カクソクド ベクトル ト ガイブ ジバ ノ ホウコウ ガ ドウイツ デ アル バアイ ノ ヘイキンバ キンジ オ モチイタ リロン カイセキ
  • Analysis by Means of Mean-Field Approximation for the Magnetic Field Direction Parallel to the Angular Velocity Vector of the Shear Flow
  • せん断流の回転角速度ベクトルと外部磁場の方向が同一である場合の平均場近似を用いた理論解析

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We have analyzed the orientational distributions of a nondilute colloidal dispersion composed of ferromagnetic spherocylinder particles subjected to a simple shear flow. We applied the mean-field theory to the system for an external magnetic field parallel to the angular velocity vector of the shear flow in order to understand the effects of the interactions among the particles. We conclude that the interactions suppress the Brownian motion of the particles and, therefore, make the particles incline toward the same direction. Although the interactions of the particles work in the nondilute colloidal dispersion system, the magnetic field and the shear flow dominantly affect the orientational distributions of the system for an external magnetic field parallel to the angular velocity vector of the shear flow. The particles incline toward the magnetic direction as the strength of the magnetic field increases.


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