Estimation of parameters in a gas-solid fluidized-bed adsorber by the concentration response technique. At incipient fluidization.

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  • 濃度応答法による気固系流動層吸着塔の因子決定 初期流動化において
  • ノウシュク オウトウホウ ニ ヨル キコケイ リュウドウソウ キュウチャクトウ
  • At incipient fluidization
  • 初期流動化において

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Nitrogen gas was introduced as a shot tracer into a column far below a bed of finely ground molecular sieve 5A particles fluidized with helium gas. Inlet and response nitrogen concentration-time curves measured respectively below and above the fluidized bed were found to have considerable noise. Using smoothed input and response curves obtained by eliminating the noise, values of gas mixing coefficient and adsorption equilibrium constant were estimated in the range up to the nearincipient fluidization stage.


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