特集 化石エネルギー利用技術 石炭の迅速熱分解による有用化学物質の製造

  • 三浦 孝一
    京都大学大学院 工学研究科化学工学専攻
  • 前 一広


  • Fossil Energy. Flash Pyrolysis of Coal as A Means for Obtaining Valuable Chemicals.
  • セキタン ノ ジンソク ネツ ブンカイ ニ ヨル ユウヨウ カガク ブッシツ



Recently flash pyrolysis of coal has been attracting great attention as a means to recover valuable chemicals under rather mild conditions. In this paper several features and problems related to the flash pyrolysis of coal are examined. The effect of the operating conditions including the heating rate is examined to elucidate the factor controlling the yields of total volatiles and liquid products. The mechanism by which the yield of total volatiles increase during the flash pyrolysis is examined with the aid of a pyrolysis model presented by Niksa et al. It is clarified that the amount of the tar precursor called “metaplast” and the formation rate of noncondensable gases are closely related to the yield of total volatiles. An explanation is given to a debate on the applicability of the first-order reaction model to the pyrolysis reaction. Then a procedure to determine true activation energies from the first-order reaction model is presented. The methods proposed for controlling the pyrolysis reaction under mild conditions are collected from the literature and reviewed. Finally, several new pyrolysis methods proposed by the authors, which realize significant increases in the total volatiles and the yields of benzene, toluene, and xylene under mild conditions, were introduced.


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