Error Rate Performance of PRML Systems for Perpendicular Magnetic Recording using Single-layered Medium

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  • 単層膜媒体による垂直磁気記録のためのPRML方式の誤り率特性
  • タンソウ マク バイタイ ニ ヨル スイチョク ジキ キロク ノ タメ ノ PRML ホウシキ ノ アヤマリリツ トクセイ

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Bit error rate performance of PRML systems for the perpendicular magnetic recording using single-layer medium is studied. Error rates of both(1, 7)RLL coded PRML systems and 16/17(0, 6/6)coded PRML systems are estimated by recording and reproducing experiments using a spinstand with a single-layered medium and compared with those of a longitudinal medium. The results show that 16/17(0, 6/6)coded E^2PR4ML system in perpendicular magnetic recording using the single-layered medium has a excellent performance among those systems.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 23.38 (0), 15-22, 1999

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers


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