The new feature quantity of human blinking verification and its longitudinal variation of verification rate

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  • 瞬き認証における新たな特徴量とその認証率の経時変化(マルチメディア情報入力及び処理方式および一般)
  • 瞬き認証における新たな特徴量とその認証率の経時変化
  • マバタキ ニンショウ ニ オケル アラタナ トクチョウリョウ ト ソノ ニンショウリツ ノ ケイジ ヘンカ

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We have investigated the dynamic biometrics using the dimensions of irises as a feature, which have not provided the sufficient performance. In this paper, new features based on the distance from the center to edge of irises, and the Fourier descriptor are considered. Experimental results showed the validity and effectiveness of the proposed features. Further, we examine the temporal variation for the verification performance, and the robustness of the proposed method is confirmed.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 32.26 (0), 9-12, 2008

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers


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