Development of the Next Generation Document Reader : Eye Scanner

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  • 次世代ドキュメント撮影装置「アイスキャナ」の試作(映像メディアおよび一般 インターネット, デジタル放送, マルチメディア, 三次元画像, 視覚と画質評価, ITS等)
  • 次世代ドキュメント撮影装置「アイスキャナ」の試作
  • ジ セダイ ドキュメント サツエイ ソウチ アイスキャナ ノ シサク

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Up to now a copying machine requires setting the document to the copy glass of the designated position. In addition to that, the copying machine cannot copy the non-flat shape document without distortion. So, we propose a next generation's document reader "Eye Scanner". The Eye Scanner is composed of the range finder, digital camera and pan-tilt stage system. Due to these devices, the Eye Scanner is able to read the document by the free viewpoint and able to generate the image which is not distorted by the geometric conversion. In this paper, we explain about the detail of the system. At the experiment, we show some result of distortion correction and show the result of image merging at divide capture.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 26.8 (0), 31-36, 2002

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

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