One-pass VBR MPEG Coding using Scene Adaptive Dynamic GOP Structure

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  • シーンアダプティブな可変GOP構造を利用した1パスVBR MPEG符号化方式
  • シーンアダプティブ ナ カヘン GOP コウゾウ オ リヨウ シタ 1 パス VBR MPEG フゴウカ ホウシキ

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In this paper, we propose an algorithm for one-pass VBR(Variable Bit Rate) MPEG video encoding. We use two techniques to enhance the picture quality in the one-pass VBR coding. One is scene adaptive dynamic GOP(Group of picture) structure control technique according to the picture characteristics estimated by macroblock(MB) activity information. The other is precise bit budget prediction technique for appropriate bit allocation using the activity and motion characteristics analysis. Since the processing speed of the proposed algorithm is almost equal to that of the conventional MPEG CBR encoder without GOP control, fast VBR encoding can be realized with better picture quality than that of fixed GOP structure.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 25.61 (0), 13-18, 2001

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

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