Perceived direction of self-motion from real somatic motion and orthogonally directed visual stimulation for supine observers

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  • 往復身体運動と直交する視覚刺激の同時呈示により仰臥観察者が知覚する自己運動の方向(視聴覚の基礎と応用,マルチモーダル,感性情報処理およびヒューマンインフォメーション一般)
  • 往復身体運動と直交する視覚刺激の同時呈示により仰臥観察者が知覚する自己運動の方向
  • オウフク シンタイ ウンドウ ト チョッコウ スル シカク シゲキ ノ ドウジ テイジ ニ ヨリ ギョウガ カンサツシャ ガ チカク スル ジコ ウンドウ ノ ホウコウ

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Previously, we reported that upright observers, experiencing real leftward/rightward or forward/backward body motion while viewing orthogonal translating or expanding/contracting optic-flow, perceived self-motion directions intermediate to those specified by visual and vestibular information (Sakurai et al, 2010, Journal of Vision, 10(7): 866). Here we investigate conditions in which observers lay supinely, experiencing real upward/downward or leftward/rightward motion in body coordinates, while viewing orthogonal optic-flow patterns, phase-locked to the swing motion. Optic-flow patterns consisted of leftward/rightward or upward/downward translational or expanding/contracting oscillatory optic-flow. Observers were cued with a sound to indicate their perceived direction of self-motion, via a rod-pointing task. When upward/downward or leftward/rightward body motion was combined with visual leftward/rightward or upward/downward optic-flow, most observers' direction judgments progressively favored the direction specified by vision with increasing amplitude of optic-flow, as in our previous reports, suggesting a weighted combination of visual and vestibular cues in this context. For combinations of body motion with visual expanding/contracting optic-flow, some observers' judgments were vision-only or vestibular-only, suggesting that multimodal integration in this context is an either-or process for these observers. Compared to our previous reports, one possible reason for this weighted combination failure is the discrepancy between body coordinates and gravity coordinates.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 35.51 (0), 1-4, 2011

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers


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