Electromagnetic Field Propagation inside and around Square Buildings Having Glass Windows
- INOMATA Kazufumi
- Fukuoka Institute of Technology
- MATSUNAGA Toshiaki
- Fukuoka Institute of Technology
- Ehime University
- UCHIDA Kazunori
- Fukuoka Institute of Technology
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- Other Title
- 窓ガラスがある方形建造物内および近傍の電波伝搬(学生若手発表および一般)
- 窓ガラスがある方形建造物内および近傍の電波伝搬
- マド ガラス ガ アル ホウケイ ケンゾウブツ ナイ オヨビ キンボウ ノ デンパ デンパン
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A study about electric fields distribution around or inside buildings according to those structures is presented. Radio communications such as mobile phones and wireless LAN systems are affected by walls and windows of buildings when those communication devices are used inside or around buildings. In this paper, electric field distribution analyzed using the building model which was constituted by concrete walls and windows were compared with those analyzed using the building model which was constituted by only concrete walls. In addition, electric field distributions around the building model that some windows were opened partly were analyzed. All measurement data were compared with the numerical results obtained by FVTD simulations. In conclusion, the effect of windows on the electric field distribution was remarkably different from that of concrete walls. Reflection waves from windows were higher than those from concrete walls, and transmission waves through windows were smaller than those through concrete walls. Therefore, electric fields strength around windows became higher than those around concrete walls.
- ITE Technical Report
ITE Technical Report 36.3 (0), 9-12, 2012
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204530109312
- NII Article ID
- 110009328359
- NII Book ID
- AN1059086X
- 24241970
- 13426893
- 023415782
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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