A study on phased information disclosure with personal identification concealment by image

  • GODA Ryuichiro
    Faculty school of Electro Communications, The University of Electro-Communications
  • TAKAHASHI Hiroki
    Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, the University of Electro-Communications

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Other Title
  • 個人同定秘匿を維持した段階的な情報開示の可能性(キャラクタ・セキュリティ(ポスター),映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2015)
  • 個人同定秘匿を維持した段階的な情報開示の可能性
  • コジン ドウテイ ヒトク オ イジ シタ ダンカイテキ ナ ジョウホウ カイジ ノ カノウセイ

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Nowadays, it is easier to share the information in a large framework compared with the past, as for it, the numbers of discussions are rising extremely. First, I will reconsider to organize information and privacy and their handling in Modern. Thereby, the concept of privacy in modem Japanese society, I described that is based on the self-information control rights. And, as a means of self-information control rights, I consider phased information disclosure techniques. It is about increasing the power of self-information control rights of the data subject by phased information disclosure as much as possible keeping concealment of personal identification.


  • ITE Technical Report

    ITE Technical Report 39.14 (0), 103-106, 2015

    The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

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