土壌より分離した?EArthrobacter?F sp.No.588による新D‐キシロース・デヒドロゲナーゼの生産


  • Production of a New Specific D-Xylose Dehydrogenase by <i>Arthrobacter</i> sp. No. 588 Isolated from Soil
  • ドジョウ ヨリ ブンリシタ Arthrobacter sp No 588 ニヨ



A bacterium capable of catalyzing the dehydrogenation of D-xylose with NAD was isolated from soil and was identified as Arthrobacter sp. The reaction product of D-xylose dehydrogenation was identified as xylonate by paper chromatography and infrared absorption spectrum.<br> This enzyme catalyzes the following reaction.<br> D-Xylose+NAD_??_D-xylono-γ-lactone+NADH+H+<br> ↓ +H2O<br> D-Xylonic acid<br> This enzyme has been named as NAD-D-xylose dehydrogenase, since this enzyme was specific only for the dehydrogenation of D-xylose. Cultural conditions for the enzyme production were studied. This enzyme was induced effectively only by D-xylose. Urea and ammonium salts such as NH4H2PO4, (NH4)2SO4, and NH4Cl were effective nitrogen source for the bacterial growth and the enzyme production. Addition of FeSO4 stimulated the enzyme production remarkably.


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