
  • 茂田井 宏
  • 井上 進


  • Oxidative Browning in Color of Shoyu
  • ショウユ ノ イロ ノ サンカ カッペン ショウユ ノ イロ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 2



Mechanism of oxidative browning in color of shoyu has been investigated. Color of shoyu was fractionated into 8 color components (designated as P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 and P8 in the order of elution, respectively) with DEAE-cellulose. The molecular weight of each color component estimated with Sephadex G-25 and G-50 using color components of melanoidin from glycine-xylose system as standard substance was P1=600, P2=850, P3=1100, P4=1600, P5=2900, P6=2950, P7=3470, P8=4270, respectively.<br> Color components of shoyu were separated by utilizing their change of elution position on DEAE-cellulose upon oxidation. Color tone of color component became darker and _??_E450 and molecular weight became higher in the order of elution on DEAE-cellulose.<br> While linear relationship between log _??_E450 and Kd was observed in the color components of shoyu, relationship between log _??_E450 and log molecular weight was found to be linear. The equation, E=k×Mα (E: color intensity, M: molecular weight, k, α: constant) introduced from melanoidin obtained from model system was fairly applicable to color of shoyu. The equation, E=4.47×10-4×M1.30, was obtained from color of shoyu. It is speculated from α value that melanoidin in shoyu unstable to oxidation is that resulted from dipeptide and tripeptide.<br> It is assumed that the polymerization of the color components are caused by oxidation and that color of shoyu is increased by polymerization of color component according to the equation, E=4.47×10-4×M1.30.


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