新潟県中くび城・東くび城・刈羽および三島地域の地すべりと地質構造および岩質の関係について I  中・東くび城地域


  • On the Relation Between Landslides of Naka-Kubiki Area, Higashi-Kubiki Area, Kariha Area and Mishima Area in Niigata Prefecture and Their Geological Structures and Rock Facies
  • ニイガタケン ナカクビキ ヒガシ クビキ カリワ オヨビ ミシマ チイキ ノ
  • 中・東頸城地域



Niigata Prefecture is of the most frequently occurrence with landslide in Japan, especially the thematic areas are well known as densely distributed areas with landslide.<BR>Here the writers discussed on the relation between landslides in these areas and their geological structures and rock facies.<BR>Many superior studies on origins and basic factors of landslides in these areas have been reported hetherto by many eminent investigators, but researches on some relations between geological environment of these areas and occurrence of landslide are very few.<BR>Considering from the relationship between landslide distribution in these areas and their rock facies and geological structures, the writers concluded that the basic factor of landslides in these areas will be rock facies, and geological structure must be the secondary factor.<BR>The report is divided into two part; as<BR>(I) On Naka-Kubiki and Higashi-Kubiki area, <BR>(II) On Kariha and Mishima area (will be reported in the next number)


  • 地すべり

    地すべり 18 (3), 31-41, 1982

    公益社団法人 日本地すべり学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

