蓋付スロットモデルによる開閉水路共存系流れの過渡現象解析 (寸法拡大効果と固有値解析)


  • Transient Analysis of Free-Surface-Pressurized Flows by Slot Model with Ceiling (Effect of Up-Scaling on Transient Flow and Eigenvalue Problem)
  • フタツキ スロット モデル ニ ヨル カイヘイ スイロ キョウゾンケイ ナガレ ノ カト ゲンショウ カイセキ スンポウ カクダイ コウカ ト コユウチ カイセキ



To analyze transient free-surface-pressurized flows with entrapped air in a drainage system, a virtual slot model with ceiling have been proposed. Using this model, calculations for a reduced model and the actual size model are carried out to examine a scale effect on the transient flow. The results show that up-scaling the system causes the increase in compressibility of entrapped air so that the rate of pressure rise decreases. It is also confirmed that the partial differential equations for the modified slot model have real eigenvalues and then the initial value problem is well-posed when the velocity difference between air and water is not so large. The increase in the velocity difference yields a system having complex eigenvalues, however the well behaved numerical solutions can be obtained since the frictional term in the defferential equations suppress the numerical instability.


  • ターボ機械

    ターボ機械 32 (12), 721-728, 2004

    一般社団法人 ターボ機械協会

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