Study of the Relationship between Landslides and the Origin of Fold and Fault Structures in the Neogene mudstone layers of the Tohoku District

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  • 東北地方の新第三紀・泥岩層における褶曲及び断層構造の成因と地すべりとの関連性
  • トウホク チホウ ノ シンダイ3キ デイガンソウ ニ オケル シュウキョク オヨビ ダンソウ コウゾウ ノ セイイン ト ヂスベリ ト ノ カンレンセイ

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Up to now, the folds, faults, etc., found in the areas of frequent landslide occurrence in the “green-tuff” region of the Tohoku district have been considered to originate in the diastrophism.<BR>A great deal of research has been conducted into geological structures-such as folds and faults-that are caused by various factors: the bedrock movement following the ground upheaval continuing to the present day; the gravity slides that occurred in the mudstone sedimentation on the ocean floor; bedrock deformation due to the large-scale original rock slides that occurred frequently in Quaternary; and so on.<BR>We have already reported the case of the western area of the Ou mountains in detail. In this report, we will further describe the fold and fault structures and landslides in the Dewa Hill areas, the fold structure and landslides in the surrounding granite areas of the Tohoku district, and the relationship between some aspect of fault structures and landslides.


  • Landslides

    Landslides 33 (1), 20-28_1, 1996

    The Japan Landslide Society

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