A Method to Calculate Water Pressure on a Slice as a Vuoyancy in Steady Seepage Flow Condition and A General Limit Equilibrium Method of Slices.

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  • 定常浸透状態における水中重量法と一般分割法の計算式
  • テイジョウ シントウ ジョウタイ ニ オケル スイチュウ ジュウリョウホウ ト イッパン ブンカツホウ ノ ケイサンシキ

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Limit equilibrium method of slices is commonly used in the analysis of the slope stability problems such as landslide, slope failure. There is a method to calculate individually the water pressures on the bottom, both sides, upper of a slice in the submerged slope. On the other hand, there is a method to calculate these water pressures as a buoyancy. The latter is very simple and convenient. However, this method cannot be applied in the steady seepage flow condition. The author proposed a modified calculating method by the inclined direction of buoyancy vector from hydraulic gradient in a slice in the steady seepage flow condition.<BR>In this paper, it is shown that the modified method gives the same result with the former method to calculate each water pressure individually. A general limit equilibrium method of slices is proposed by the modified calculating method of a buoyancy. It is shown that the proposed method is very simple and general, and it gives the same result with another general limit equilibrium method of slices such as Morgenstern-Price, Spencer methods by calculations on a model slip section.


  • Landslides

    Landslides 33 (1), 9-14_1, 1996

    The Japan Landslide Society

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