Current Circumstances and Future of the WHO Standard Acupuncture Point Locations
- KATAI Shuichi
- The Working Group of the Second Japan Acupuncture Point Committee
- The Working Group of the Second Japan Acupuncture Point Committee
- The Working Group of the Second Japan Acupuncture Point Committee
- URAYAMA Hisatsugu
- The Working Group of the Second Japan Acupuncture Point Committee
- KAWAHARA Yasuhiro
- The Working Group of the Second Japan Acupuncture Point Committee
- KATORI Toshimitsu
- The Working Group of the Second Japan Acupuncture Point Committee
- The Working Group of the Second Japan Acupuncture Point Committee
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- WHO経穴部位国際標準化の経緯と今後
- WHO ケイケツ ブイ コクサイ ヒョウジュンカ ノ ケイイ ト コンゴ
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1. Introduction<br>The Meeting on Development of International Standard Acupuncture Point Locations hosted by WHO/WPRO was held between Oct. 31 th and Nov. 2 nd in 2006 at the International Congress Center in Tsukuba City, Japan. The delegates came from nine countries, e.g. Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Singapore, UK, USA, Vietnam, and two organizations, e.g. WFAS (World Federation of Acupuncture Societies), AAOM (American Association of Oriental Medicine). The total number of delegates was twenty. The draft of Standard Acupuncture Point Locations, which had been discussed between three countries, Japan, China and Korea during the previous three years, was officially decided.<br>2. Agreement for Acupuncture Point Locations<br>Three hundred and sixty one Acupuncture Point Locations were decided at the meeting, the number is 7 more than the number that has been taught so far in the educational field of Japanese acupuncture. The points which differ from the current Japanese text book are 7. These points had been considered “extra points” located along meridians as well as points requiring special attention. 6 points had been the subject of debate, and as a result two locations for each point have been decided. These are LI 19, LI 20, CV 24, PC 8, PC 9, and GB 31.<br>3. Future Plan of WPRO<br>We attempted to standardize the Acupuncture Point Locations at the official meeting in Tsukuba. Moreover WHO/WPRO intends to standardize (1) Oriental Medical Terminology, (2) Oriental Medical Information, (3) Guidelines for research of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, and general thoughts, points of view, and an outline of Oriental Medicine. Then WHO hopes to encourage application of these standards to research and practice of Oriental Medicine.<br>4. The themes after deciding the Acupuncture Point Locations<br>Subjects for further discussion include: (1) Research on acupuncture point locations, (2). Encouraging the use of Standardized locations, (3). Clarifying “Japanese Acupuncture” and its supporting its use all over the world, etc.
- Zen Nihon Shinkyu Gakkai zasshi (Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion)
Zen Nihon Shinkyu Gakkai zasshi (Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion) 57 (5), 576-586, 2007
The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
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- 1882661X
- 02859955
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