Study on Washout of Fines from Sandy Ground under Water Pressure Change due to Waves

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  • 波浪による水圧変動をうける砂質土地盤からの細粒分の流出に関する研究


The movement of fines in soil under one-dimensional water pressure change was studied experimentally. The sandy soil containing 10% fines were subjected to the cyclic water pressure change, and in some conditions, it was observed that the fines, whose diameters were 10-75μm, moved to the upper directions in the soil and finally reached to the surface. When the soil was fully saturated and the liquefaction did not occur, the upward movement was not observed. The upward movement of fines occurred when the soil was liquefied on the shaking table. It is concluded that the occurrence of liquefaction under cyclic water pressure change is closely related to the upward movement of fines in the soil.


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