

  • Influence of Continuous Puff Velocity on Combustion Rate, Temperature and Temperature Distribution of Cigarette
  • タバコ ノ レンゾクキュウエン ソクド ト ソノ ネンショウ ソクド , ネンショウ オンド オヨビ オンド ブンプ ト ノ カンケイ ニ ツイテ



In order to obtain fundamental knowledges on the combustion process of cigarette, influences of continuous puff velocity on the combustion rate, temperature and temperature distribution of the combustion zone in cigarette have been investigated.<br> The combustion rate, temperature and temperature distributions (axial and radial) were measured by using two thermocouples (Pt-Pt 87%•Rh 13%, 0.05mm) inserted vertically to the axis of the cigarette (flue-cured, unblended long-size, with filter of 17mm length), and the following results were obtained.<br> 1) The temperature distribution-curve of cigarette, in this case, was constant under the puff velocity below 1. 5ml/sec, but its peak was suffered with higher velocities above 2.0 ml/sec.<br> 2) The moving rate of an isothermal point (_??_T=80°C referred to the room temperature), r, is expressed as r=V/a+bV<br> where V is puff velocity and a, b constant.<br> 3) The maximum temperature in the combustion zone so depended on the puff velocity that it increased from 811°C at the natural combustion to maximum value, 882°C at 1.5ml/sec, followed by a gradual decrease to a constant temperature (ca. 855°C, _??_5.0 ml/sec) with increasing of puff velocity.<br> 4) The axial distribution of the temperature in the ash layer can be represented by an experimental formula, <br> T=(Tmax-25) exp (-αx)+25°C (room temperature=25°C)<br> where x is the distance from the position of the maximum temperature, Tmax, and α a constant.<br> 5) The combustion zone expressed with the two dimension (axial and radial) extended with increasing of puff velocity.


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