Change of the Opening Hours and the Planning of Public Libraries in Seoul

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  • ソウルにおける公立図書館の利用時間と空間計画の変化
  • ソウル ニ オケル コウリツ トショカン ノ リヨウ ジカン ト クウカン ケイカク ノ ヘンカ

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This paper describes the outline of the public libraries in Seoul City in Korea and the changes for 10 years from 1995 to 2005. We focus the change of their opening hours and their plans of reading room and open-shelf room. It has three characteristics as following: 1) The opening hours has been changed late from 6:00 to 7:00 in summer and to 8:00 in winter. But the closing hours at 22:00 has not been changed. 2) The number of rooms and the number of seats of reading rooms have been decreased for these 10 years. 3) To make the open-shelf room and the digital material room, in many cases the room of another function was moved to other rooms. Especially in this case, the number of reading rooms has been decreased. A peculiar part of the developing process of public libraries in Seoul was specified by analyzing the mechanism that the reading rooms were decreased and the open-shelf room was set up newly.


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