絶縁劣化診断に基づく電力ケーブルのライフサイクルマネジメント  ―評価コストのばらつきを考慮した小規模事例における有効性の検討―

  • 加藤 丈佳
  • 小山 豊
  • 鈴置 保雄


  • Life-Cycle-Management of CV Cables based on Degradation Diagnosis -Usability Assessment in Small-scale Application Considering Variation of Evaluated Cost-
  • ゼツエン レッカ シンダン ニ モトズク デンリョク ケーブル ノ ライフサイクル マネジメント ヒョウカ コスト ノ バラツキ オ コウリョ シタ ショウキボ ジレイ ニ オケル ユウコウセイ ノ ケントウ
  • —Usability Assessment in Small-scale Application Considering Variation of Evaluated Cost—
  • —評価コストのばらつきを考慮した小規模事例における有効性の検討—



This paper discusses the usability of life-cycle management (LCM) of CV cables based on degradation diagnosis, focusing on the application in small-scale facility. Because the failure in small-scale facility should be evaluated as a discrete event, we developed the model for estimating both the mean value and the variation of the life-cycle cost (LCC). When the failure loss cost is large, the short replacement cycle is the most cost-effective in a time-based maintenance (TBM), although many cables are replaced. Therefore, the reduction in LCC by taking a condition-based maintenance (CBM) is realized mainly due to the reduction in replaced cables by diagnosis. On the other hand, when the failure loss cost is small, LCC of each cable by taking TBM can be smaller than LCC by CBM in many cables due to the longer replacement cycle without diagnosis. However, the mean value of LCC among 100 cables is still small in CBM, because the total number of failure cables is much smaller in CBM due to the diagnosis. Consequently, LCC can be reduced by CBM, while the reason for the reduction in LCC by CBM, in other words the usability of CBM, depends on the relation between cost for diagnosis, cable replacement and failure loss. The results would be useful in the decision making to take CBM in small scale application.


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