Building Air Conditioning Model using the Room-specific Thermal Inertia and its Implementation as a Controller

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  • 居室固有の熱慣性を利用した空調のモデルと制御器の実装
  • 居室固有の熱慣性を利用した空調のモデルと制御器の実装 : 建物空調における熱慣性の学習機構と制御方式
  • キョシツ コユウ ノ ネツ カンセイ オ リヨウ シタ クウチョウ ノ モデル ト セイギョキ ノ ジッソウ : タテモノ クウチョウ ニ オケル ネツ カンセイ ノ ガクシュウ キコウ ト セイギョ ホウシキ
  • —Control Method with the Learning Mechanism of Thermal Inertia in the Building Air Conditioning—
  • -建物空調における熱慣性の学習機構と制御方式-

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Various exogenous elements are involved in the thermal environment of the residential indoor spaces of building. Most of these elements behave differently and inter-relatedly to affect each room. It is difficult for the building air conditioning system to control the thermal environment of the rooms.  Making use of the stability brought by the inherent equilibrium of the heat inertia system itself and regarding the changes by the result of various extrinsic factors as the change of the heat inertia of the room, the model of the differential air conditional system (DACS) is proposed.  In order to verify the effectiveness of the system, the differential air-conditioning controller (DAC) is installed. It employs the rhyming control method. It is a method of air conditioning that causes gentle oscillatory movement to the process value of the room. In the controller, heuristic learning method is employed to determine the feed forward control parameters to capture the thermal behaviors (Differential Heat-effecting Dynamics), which is observed in the thermal environment of the room, defined as the thermal inertia. DAC keeps the appropriate temperature without heat shock to the residents in accordance with the trajectory of the temperature set point.


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