The Effect of the Pulsed Magnetic Field on the Rat's behavior

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  • 長期間パルス磁場暴露のラット行動に及ぼす影響
  • チョウキカン パルス ジバ バクロ ノ ラット コウドウ ニ オヨボス エイキ

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The method of a Magnetic Stimulation (M.S.) have been widely used in neurophysiological research and clinical diagnosis. This method is very usefull to stimulate the human motor area and the nerve system without pain. In this method, however, a large magnetic field was applied to the human body and peripheral nerve systems, so that the inspection of the safety aspects of this high power magnetic field is one of the very important problems.<br>In this report, an experimental system which we have developed to observe the effect of magnetic fields on the rat's behavior is described together with some meaningful experimental results.


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