Analysis of RC Beam by using Delaunay Triangulation

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  • デローニ三角分割を用いた鉄筋コンクリートはりの解析
  • デローニ サンカク ブンカツ オ モチイタ テッキン コンクリートハリ ノ カイセキ

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The Rigid Bodies-Spring Model (RBSM), as proposed by Prof. KAWAI, can easily express tensile cracking and shear shipping of concrete structures. However, RBSM has the weak point that the collapse pattern is controlled by the mesh division of the structure. In this paper, in order to resolve this weakness, we developed a pre-processor of Delaunay Triangulation applicable to RBSM in Visual Basic. And in order to investigate the effectiveness of the analytical method by using RBSM with Delaunay elements, the analytical results of the RC beam obtained by using Delaunay Triangulation were compared with the analytical ones obtained by using the regular mesh division.


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