Syntheses of N, N'-disubstituted 12-diazacrown-4 and a Polymer Containing N-heptyl-12-diazacrown-4 in its Polymer Units, and their Lithium Ion
- MIYAJIMA Masahiro
- 物質化学工学科
- KATO Masatoshi
- 大日本インキ化学工業株式会社
- UMEDA Satoshi
- 物質化学工学科
- TSUDA Katsuyuki
- 物質化学工学科
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- Other Title
- N,N'-二置換12-ジアザクラウン-4および重合単位にN-ヘプチル-12-ジアザクラウン-4を持つポリマーの合成と,それらのリチウムイオン選択性
- N N ニ チカン 12 ジアザクラウン 4 オヨビ ジュウゴウ タンイ ニ N ヘプチル 12 ジアザクラウン 4 オ モツ ポリマー ノ ゴウセイ ト ソレラ ノ リチウム イオン センタクセイ
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The binding property of thirteen 12-diazacrown-4 derivatives for alkali metal ions was examined, and from these results we selected the heptyl group as the most suitable substituent for the monomer. Then the radical polymerization of Nacryloyl-N'-heptyl-12-diazacrown-4 and the subsequent reduction of the produced polymer by diborane-THF were carried out. The reduced polymer retained the high binding ability for the lithium ion, but the selectivity was unexpectedly low.
- Journal of The National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College
Journal of The National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College 43 (0), 37-50, 2006
National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204616510592
- NII Article ID
- 40007454469
- 110006198522
- NII Book ID
- AN00010602
- 24335606
- 03899306
- 8081820
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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