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  • Measurement of Tensile Deformation Behavior and Strength Evaluation Based on Local Mechanical Properties of Weld Joint of Steel Plates
  • コウバン ヨウセツブ ノ ヒッパリ ヘンケイ キョドウ ノ ソクテイ ト キョクショ リキガク トクセイ ニ モトズク キョウド ヒョウカ



Indentation test is one of the solutions for predicting the local mechanical properties of weld joint as proposed in our previous work. In the present study, the test method was improved to apply for the material with large yield elongation, and the predicted mechanical properties were compared with those obtained by the tensile tests for the base and weld metals. Fairly good agreement is achieved for the base material with 2. 5% yield elongation when the prediction includes the measurements of the dent sizes on the surface and in the depth. The prediction of the weld metal exhibits large scatter whose lower limit tend to agree with the result of the tensile test obtained by small specimens cut from the center of the weld metal. Also performed were the tensile tests for weld specimens whose weld lines were parallel, perpendicular or 45 degree to the loading direction. Strain distributions were measured in terms of the digital image correlation (DIC) method and compared with those simulated by the finite element analysis (FEA) . The strain distributions obtained by the DIC and FEA demonstrate good agreement and strong effect of the loading pass for the weld metal, therefore, the consideration of the local mechanical properties is significant for the welded components.


  • 圧力技術

    圧力技術 55 (6), 303-312, 2017

    一般社団法人 日本高圧力技術協会



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