第1学年合宿研修のあり方について -平成23年度の試み-


  • A New Approach to the Training Camp for New Students by First Grade Teaching Staff in 2011
  • ダイ1 ガクネン ガッシュク ケンシュウ ノ アリカタ ニ ツイテ : ヘイセイ 23ネンド ノ ココロミ
  • 高温条件における環境ストレス耐性による花壇用花き品目の選抜
  • コウオン ジョウケン ニ オケル カンキョウ ストレス タイセイ ニ ヨル カダンヨウ カキ ヒンモク ノ センバツ



In this paper, we consider the purpose and the contents of the Training Camp for students in the first year, looking back over the past 24 years. The following section presents the results of a survey to the students, which reflect our attempt to clarify the objectives of the program. The past camps had focused exclusively on fostering friendship among students. This may have caused ambiguity or lack of direction throughout the camp. It is necessary to give freshmen a sense of what it means to be a Kosen student from the beginning of their school-life. That will develop greater sense of school sprit in the following periods of time. By defining “mutual understanding” and “developing school spirit” as the aim, the training camp can contribute to activating not only the students' participation but also the whole school.


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