New Insights into the Role of Basement Membrane-Derived Matricryptins in the Heart

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  • Okada Muneyoshi
    Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University
  • Imoto Keisuke
    Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University
  • Sugiyama Akira
    Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University
  • Yasuda Jumpei
    Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University
  • Yamawaki Hideyuki
    Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University


  • Errata for Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin



<p>The extracellular matrix (ECM), which contributes to structural homeostasis as well as to the regulation of cellular function, is enzymatically cleaved by proteases, such as matrix metalloproteinases and cathepsins, in the normal and diseased heart. During the past two decades, matricryptins have been defined as fragments of ECM with a biologically active cryptic site, namely the ‘matricryptic site,’ and their biological activities have been initially identified and clarified, including anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor effects. Thus, matricryptins are expected to be novel anti-tumor drugs, and thus widely investigated. Although there are a smaller number of studies on the expression and function of matricryptins in fields other than cancer research, some matricryptins have been recently clarified to have biological functions beyond an anti-angiogenic effect in heart. This review particularly focuses on the expression and function of basement membrane-derived matricryptins, including arresten, canstatin, tumstatin, endostatin and endorepellin, during cardiac diseases leading to heart failure such as cardiac hypertrophy and myocardial infarction.</p>


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