Impact Analysis for Effective Utilization of Underutilized land by the Land Price Model on Concept of the Rank-Size Distribution

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  • 順位規模分布の概念を用いた地価形成モデルによる低・未利用地の有効利用の影響分析


This study aims to measure the effect of utilization of underutilized land by using the land price model on concept of the rank-size distribution. It was clarified that the land price model on concept of the rank-size distribution gave the stable evaluation on a time-series, although the general hedonic model gave the unstable evaluation. When attributes of the model are selected in consideration of buffering on the GIS, the effect of attributes is evaluated only in that buffering area. The land price model is, then, extended to the form, which could evaluate the difference in influence of attributes accompanying distance. As a result, the impact of effective utilization of underutilized land is measured quantitatively.


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