

  • Photosynthesis primary processes studied with picosecond time-correlated photon-counting method.
  • ジカン ソウカン タンイツ コウシ ケイスウホウ ニ ヨル コウゴウセイ ショ



Time-correlateds ingle-photonc ounting method combined with a synchronouslyp umped, cavity-dumped dye laser is now an essential technique for investigatingd ynamicalb ehavioro f biologicals ystems. Particularly, the use of a microchannel-platep hotomultiplier results in much higher time-resolutiont han conventional photomultipliers. Two examples of applicationt o studies of photosynthesisp rimaryp rocesses are shown co-ncerning (1) the sequentiale nergy transport in the phycobilina ntenna pigment system of some algae and (2) the reaction kinetics in reaction centers I and II in green alga, Chorella pyrenoidosa. A fluorescence band (F700) was, observed at 690-730 nm in the initial time region (0-180ps) along with the well-known spectrum (F685) of PSII-Chl a. The decay of F700 is governed by a fast energy transfer process from the antenna Chl a of PS I to P700 of RC I.


  • レーザー研究

    レーザー研究 15 (8), 595-605, 1987

    一般社団法人 レーザー学会

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