Effect of Isometric Knee Extension Strength on the One-leg Standing Time of Elderly Inpatients

  • TSUDA Yasumichi
    Department of Rehabilitation, National Hospital Organization Kochi National Hospital
  • KASHIMA Kensaku
    Department of Rehabilitation, National Hospital Organization Kochi National Hospital
  • YAMASAKI Hiroshi
    Department of Physical Therapy, Kochi Rehabilitation Institute
  • KAWAMURA Mitsugu
    Department of Rehabilitation, National Hospital Organization Kochi National Hospital
  • OOGIKU Satoru
    Department of Rehabilitation, National Hospital Organization Kochi National Hospital
  • MABUCHI Masaru
    Department of Rehabilitation, National Hospital Organization Kochi National Hospital
  • SHINOHARA Tsutomu
    Department of Clinical Research, National Hospital Organization Kochi National Hospital

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[Purpose] To clarify the influence of isometric knee extension strength (IKES) on the one-leg standing (OLS) time. [Subjects and Methods] The subjects were 323 elderly inpatients. They were divided into groups, on the basis of IKES, from 0.2 to 0.6 kgf/kg at 0.1 kgf/kg intervals, and their OLS times were compared. [Results] The results showed that when both the left and right leg IKES was low, OLS times were short. When subjects were dichotomized on the basis of 0.4 kgf/kg IKES for both the right and left legs, a significant difference was found in the OLS times of the two groups. However, no significant difference in OLS times was found between the group of subjects with IKES > 0.5 kgf/kg, and any of the other groups. [Conclusion] There is a close relationship between IKES and OLS time, and it seems that, when IKES drops below 0.4 kgf/kg, the effect on OLS time is large.


  • Rigakuryoho Kagaku

    Rigakuryoho Kagaku 31 (5), 751-753, 2016

    The Society of Physical Therapy Science


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