Post-Column Concentration of Anions Using Nafion Membrane Tubing

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  • Nafionチューブを用いたイオン成分のポストカラム濃縮
  • Tutorial Reviews Nafionチューブを用いたイオン成分のポストカラム濃縮
  • Tutorial Reviews Nafion チューブ オ モチイタ イオン セイブン ノ ポストカラム ノウシュク
  • Tutorial Review
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In this tutorial review, the principle of on-line sample concentration by evaporation through a Nafion membrane tubing and its application to post-column concentration of anions by ion chromatography are described. As solution flows through the Nafion membrane tubing, drying nitrogen gas flows outside it to remove the solvent. The removal rate was increased with increasing sample residence time, drying gas flow rate, and device temperature. With the concentrator, the detection sensibility was improved, and the lower detection limit was obtained compared to that without the concentrator. The optimized system has successfully been applied to the determinations of perchrolate in atmospheric aerosol and orotic acid in urinary samples.


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