Relationship between Surge Impedance and Impedance in Frequency Domain of Earthing System in Traction Substation

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  • 電鉄用変電所接地システムのサージインピーダンスと周波数領域インピーダンス
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<p>The relationship between “surge impedance”, which is defined as the ratio between the maximum transient voltage and current in a time domain, and “impedance” in the frequency domain is discussed based on a set of measured transient responses of an earthing circuit in a traction substation. The frequency characteristics of the results are numerically determined using linearized Laplace transform (LLT). The results indicate that the rise time of the injected impulse current is a key parameter that determines the relationship between the surge impedance and the impedance in a frequency domain. The investigation shows that the surge impedance which can be easily obtainable in a field test is useful for characterizing the transient grounding characteristic by appropriately utilizing the relationship.</p>



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