
  • 田島 信雄
  • 黒部 森司


  • Determination of traces copper and lead in cast iron and pig iron
  • チュウテツ オヨビ センテツ チュウ ノ ビリョウ ノ ドウ オヨビ ナマリ ノ テイリョウ
  • Studies on the technoanalytical method by means of S. W. polarograph. I
  • 矩形波ポーラログラフによる分析方法の研究(第1報)



Quantitative determination of 0.0050.02% copper and 0.00020.002% lead in pig iron and cast iron was made by means of S. W. polarograph.<BR>The sample (1g) is dissolved by heating in a mixture of 15 ml hydrochloric acid, 5 ml nitric acid and 5 ml water, it is evaporated to dryness, the residue is taken up in 6N hydrochloric acid, the precipitate is filtered off and the filtrate is transferred into a separatory funnel. This is shaken with 30 ml methyl isobutyl ketone to separate iron. The aqueous layer is transferred into another separatory funnel and one more extraction is repeated. The aqueous layper is concentrated to about 2 ml, and is heated with nitric acid for the decomposition of organic compounds by oxidation. It is further concentrated, 2.5 ml hydrochloric acid added, made up to 25 ml with water and the polarogram is taken.<BR>By use of 1g sample containing 1% each of manganese and chromium, and 0.1% arsenic, the estimation of copper and lead of the above content was possible. Quantitative determination of lead was possible for a sample containing 0.0005% lead and 0.1% copper.<BR>The time required for the estimation of copper and lead was about 40 min.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 9 (10), 801-806, 1960

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会


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