HFC冷媒および自然冷媒に対するHelmholtz 型状態方程式と熱力学的性質の計算方法


  • Helmholtz Energy Equations of State for HFC and Natural Refrigerants and Their Applications to Calculations of Thermodynamic Properties
  • HFC レイバイ オヨビ シゼン レイバイ ニ タイスル Helmholtz ガタ ジョウタイ ホウテイシキ ト ネツリキガクテキ セイシツ ノ ケイサン ホウホウ



This paper overviews Helmholtz energy equations of state for pure HFC and natural refrigerants. The equations of state consist of the ideal-gas part and the residual part. The ideal-gas part can be calculated from the ideal-gas isobaric heat capacity according to the ideal-gas law, and the residual part is determined empirically by fitting to experimental thermodynamic property data. Polynomial and exponential terms are used to represent the residual part. Some equations have more complex terms for accurate descriptions of critical behavior. Mixture models for applications of the pure-fluid equations of state to refrigerant mixtures are summarized. Until now, two mixture models have been developed for HFC refrigerant mixtures. This paper also discusses calculation methods for the pvT relation, vapor-liquid equilibrium, and critical point using Helmholtz energy equations of state. Few literature discusses the methods in detail, although such information is very precious to make a computer program for calculating thermodynamic properties.


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