Radiometric Calibration of ASTER Data.



Preflight and in-flight radiometric calibration plans are described for the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), which is a high spatial resolution imaging spectro-radiometer. It is designed for the remote sensing from orbit of land, lakes, coastal and ocean surfaces, and clouds, and is expected to be launched in 1998 on NASA's EOS AM-1 Spacecraft. ASTER comprises three subsystems which acquire images in three separate spectral regions: the visible and near infrared (VNIR), the shortwave infrared (SWIR), and the thermal infrared (TIR). The absolute radiometric accuracy is required to be better than 4% for VNIR and SWIR radiance measurements, and 1 K to 3 K, depending on the temperature region from 200 K to 370 K, for TIR temperature measurements.<BR>ASTER will be calibrated in the laboratory by reference to sources traceable to NRLM and NIST standards and through the use of transfer radiometers. Partial aperture on-board calibration systems will be used in the solar-reflective range and an on-board full aperture blackbody source will be used in the infrared. An important independent source of calibration data will be provided through the in-flight radiometric calibration of ASTER by reference to well-characterized scenes.<BR>This paper very briefly describes the calibration specifications for ASTER, the on-board calibration systems, the preflight and in-flight calibration procedures to be used, and suggests a method for combining the results of the various calibration inputs.


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

