Effects of Canopy Type on Soil Temperature Beneath Film Mulch.

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  • 作物の植被型がフィルムマルチ下地温に及ぼす影響
  • サクモツ ノ ショクヒガタ ガ フィルム マルチ カ チオン ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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This experiment was disigned to clarify how the soil temperature beneath canopy cover and mulch differs between a prostrate canopy cover and an erect canopy cover. The experiment was conducted from October 1998 to March 1999. A total of 18 experimental plots were prepared. These plots had either black mulch or no mulch, prostrate or erect canopy, and different leaf area indices (LAI).<br>The plots without mulch and with an erect canopy had higher maximum soil temperatures than did the plots without mulch and with prostrate canopy, irrespective of their LAI. As for the minimum soil temperature, the effects of prostrate canopy and erect canopy were reversed, depending on the temperature of the control plots. Among such plots, those with larger LAI had higher minimum soil temperatures. At the minimum soil temperature, both types of canopy had an even greater heat insulating effect than did the control plot. Except for the plots with an LAI of 2.0, a prostrate canopy resulted in higher minimum soil temperatures than did an erect canopy.<br>The effect of mulch on the soil temperature was examined with the diurnal range ratio of soil temperature. In the plots without mulch, the prostrate canopy generally provided smaller daily range ratios than did erect canopy, regardless of the LAI of those plots (the difference in the ratio between the two types of canopy for the various LAI was about 0.16 on average). The plots with a 1.0 or larger LAI that were covered with mulch had an average diurnal range ratio that was about 0.04 larger than those plots without mulch. This indicates that mulch had a small effect on soil temperature fluctuations. The difference between the effect of an erect and a prostrate canopy on soil temperature fluctuations was insignificant; however, combining mulch with canopy generally reduced the diurnal range ratio and increased the effect of the mulch on soil temperature fluctuations.


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