ラット顎下リンパ節樹状細胞の免疫組織化学的観察 新しいモノクローナル抗体 KO3



  • Immunohistochemical observation of dendritic cells in submandibular lymph nodes of the rat. A new monoclonal antibody, KO3.
  • A new monoclonal antibody, KO3
  • 新しいモノクローナル抗体KO3



A new monoclonal antibody KO3 was obtained, that recognized dendritic cells (DC) which increased in submandibular lymph nodes of the rat after gingival injection of LPS. Using the antibody, immunohistochemical observations on cryostat sections were made. In view of the morphological characterization and the distribution of the cells, KO3-positive cells were assumed to be veiled cells (VC) in the peripheral lymph and interdigitating cells (IDC) in the paracortial area. In addition to both VC and IDC, the cells showing middle shapes between VC and IDC were also KO3-positive. The fact supported the hypothesis that VC were precursors of IDC. Furthermore, T cells were observed, which clustered to KO3-positive cells in the paracortial area. It is suggested that KO3-positive cells play an important role in the antigen presentation. In contrast to the cells, ED3positive cells, probably certain macrophage populations, were absent from the paracortial area and they were found mainly in medullary sinuses. In view of the distribution of the cells, it seems that KO3positive cells (VC and IDC) are the principal antigen presenting cells and that ED3-positive cells (macrophages) principally fill the role of phagocytes rather than the antigen presenting cells.


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