The origin of the nucleus of the rabbit bulbar accessory nerve: a study using the retrograde cell-labelling technique

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  • ウサギ副神経延髄根の起始核-逆行性細胞標識法による研究

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The location of the origin of motoneurons of the rabbit bulbar accessory nerve was studied by injection of HRP and nuclear yellow into the inferior laryngeal nerve (ILN) or the laryngeal muscles, in combination with the intracranial severing of either the rootl ets of the vagal nerve (Xr) or those of the bulbar accessory nerve (XIr). The motoneurons of XIr-fibers were located in the caudal three-fourths of the nucleus ambiguus corresponding to the ILN region. They occupied its major portion in the caudal fourth of the nucleus supplying the lateral cricoarytenoid muscle, whereas, in th e middle two-fourths, they are intermingled with the motoneurons of Xr-fibers. The rostral fourth of the nucleus, the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) region, was occupied by the Xr-motoneurons supplying the cricothyroid muscle. The thyroarytenoid motoneurons and those of the posterior cricoary-tenoid muscle were situated in the middle two-fourths of the nucleus ambiguus, the former of which have axons passing through XIr and the latter have axons those passing through Xr. From the above results it is clear that the XIr-fibers innervate the adductor muscle for the vocal cord by way of ILN, their nucleus of origin being located in the caudal portion of the nucleus ambiguus and partially overlaps th e zone of Xr-motoneurons. The origin of the neurons of the Xr-fibers are located in a more rostral portion, and they innervate the tensor and abductor muscles by way of SLN and ILN, respectively.



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