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  • A 21-year Survey of the First Visit of Patients at the Pediatric Dental Clinic of a University Dental Hospital



The purpose of this study was to analyze a fact-finding inquiry of the first visit of patients and to discover the role of the university dental hospital in the community. A 21-year period, from April 1982 to March 2003, was investigated. The results were as follows:<BR>1. The mean number of children per year for the first visit was four hundred and sixty four. It increased during the last six years.<BR>2. The number of boys and girls were about the same.<BR>3. In the previous ten years, children in deciduous dentition period formed the greatest percentage, about 40% and in the latter ten years, the children of mixed dentition period formed the greatest percentage, about 45%.<BR>4. Over 90% of the children came Tokushima prefecture. In 2002, the number of children from outside Tokushima prefecture increased to 5.1%.<BR>5. The rate of referred patients was about 30%.<BR>6. The ratio of children who suffered from physical and/or mental diseases was about 10%.<BR>7. The recent chief complaint about dental caries decreased and malocclusion of mixed dentition, congenital missing or supernumerary teeth, or injury increased to about 15%, respectively.<BR>8. The reason for visiting our clinic was referral from other dentists, to obtain more advanced treatment or recommendations of relatives or friends.<BR>9. Since 1992, the ratio of re-visiting for regular check ups for longer than five years was about 50%.


被引用文献 (16)*注記


参考文献 (8)*注記


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